Sunday, June 28, 2009

On the Bus

Last week my litter had our bus class. We practiced getting on and off the bus with grace. I didn't like going under the seat too much, there were bars in my way. I did managed to do it but I preferred to sit in front of my girl. There were lots of loud noises on the bus. Fortunately I don't care about those. We did a few difficult down-stays. We all lined up in a row and the end dog did a down stay until their person called them. They expected us not to play with all the other dogs in the row, but come directly to our person. Not everyone had time to do that at the bus station, so afterwards we all lined up in the office with our jackets on and did more down-stays so everyone got a chance. I did well, but truthfully, I the other dogs were distracting, as I just want to play. We did get a chance to play afterward and I met Gidget.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

At the Fire Hall

Today, I went for a fantastic romp in the off leash park, something we haven't done during the day for a long time. I often go in evenings with Dad now. We played search and rescue and I "found" my girl hiding in the bushes a bunch of times, that was fun! Then we went off to a really noisy place. They said it was Fire Hall 17 in Castle Downs. I met some of my fellow puppies in training and the fireman introduced us to all the interesting noises in the fire hall. The man wore a funny suit, smelled like smoke, and talked really funny when wearing his breather, but I couldn't resist licking his masked face when he came to greet me. We also got to walk up and down the long grates in the floor too. I don't mind that sort of thing, but it doesn't feel great on the paws.

When I got home I was so tired. I know this is not my blanket, but a corner was dragging on the floor off the sofa, and it just fell on me, really! Well, I had to wiggle quite a bit to get it to fall just right, but it did, honest! It's really not my fault!